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Ferratum tööandja bränding

Klient: Ferratum Bank
Töö: Tööandja brändingu videod

Iga eduka ettevõte taga on inimesed - isiksustega spetsialistid, kes loovad edule soodsa keskkonna ja tõstavad ettevõtte uutesse kõrgustesse. Paraku mida aeg edasi, seda keerulisemaks muutub nende spetsialistide värbamine. Miks? Sest töötajate ootused tööandjale muutuvad ajas ja üha olulisem on see, milline on tööandja maine, väline kuvand ning kuidas värvatakse, mitte see kui suur või vana on ettevõte ning mis on ametinimetus kuulutusel. Töötajad tahavad näha ja tunda ka seda "miskit", mis tekitaks tunde, et nad kuuluvad seal uues kohas ägedasse või erilisse seltskonda, lahendavad mingit olulist probleemi või on hinnatud oma kogemusega.

Kuna see miski on iga valdkonna puhul erinev, siis on see koht, kus tööandjal on vaja loovust ning ka kogemust, et panna kõik vajalikud detailid enda jaoks tööle ning saavutada edu värbamisel.

Just siin saame teile abiks olla - rakendame enda kogemused ja oskused, et luua toimivaid ja loomingulisi lahendusi ning aidata ettevõtetel tööandja turundus panna parimal moel enda värbamist teenima. Vaata, milliseid töid oleme teinud ja küsi tasuta konsultatsiooni enda vajaduste kaardistamiseks!

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Hold on to what makes you happy!

If it tries to buck you off, just hold on a little tighter and follow through.

That’s why you need to Live in the moment. Kids are the perfect example, as they always focus on the present not the past or the future. In some sense this is something I try to do as well.


Enjoy life in its fullest.


I think whatever you do, if you decide to do it, you need to give it your full effort and do it well.


You never know where your next opportunity may arise. And that attitude is something that I feel is well rsupported here at Ferratum.


This job has changed me and my perspectives about foreign people in general and also about the countries they are from.


It gives a feeling like you have seen the world a lot more than you actually have and that the whole of Europe has been brought together into one place.


It's unique and overwhelming at the same time.



That day I got two job offers at once.


One was like it was made for me. It ticked every box and it was everything I had looked for in a job, and even in an industry that really interested me.

Sometimes your inner curiosity just takes you much further than any advice ever would.



For over 10 years, I was in traditional banking, where everything tends to be static. Here, things are dynamic. It’s like riding a bike - One day you're in low gear and the other you might have to switch to high.


I think that's the beauty of digital banking. Ferratum is a very result driven company, this is where our passions meet.


What matters to me the most, are People and being connected to them. I want to sense the atmosphere and give back what they give to me. Inspiration.

With Ferratum it is all about trust. We encourage our people to have own ideas and ways, but we are a team we stick together. And you are never alone That's the Ferratum way.

Siin on mõned lühikokkuvõtted

Head lühikokkuvõtted millega projektiga seotud videote hulka kokku võtta lühemasse ajavormi ja paremini hoomatavaks. Sellised lühikokkuvõtteid kasutati sotsiaalmeedias lisaks, et juhtida inimesi Ferratum Life ja Ferratum People lehtedele, kus ootasid ees täies pikkuses videod.



Often it’s quite irrelevant to list single accomplishments, because it’s just as important to name who you accomplished it with.


I’ve had the joy of working in so many good teams where I still have friends from. It all boils down to the people. They are what really matters and whose opinions you really care about. If they appreciate you, that’s the best measure. You’ve done something right.

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Things can change in a minute. Thats why you have to own the hardship to be a winner.


What I love is process and strategy. Since day one we are impoving things as we go. That’s what motivates me. I have the opportunity and responsibility to challenge myself on daily basis in Ferratum and I wouldn't change it for anything.



Trust is what makes the team work well and together.

We trust each other.


Being family oriented is something I value a lot and feel proud of. In Ferratum you have the opportunity to blend work and personal life perfectly without having to make sacrifices.


That means a lot - never having to miss out anything and am always be there



Devote yourself to what you do. Go in-depth to really understand the game and stretch your limits.


We put on different hats from time to time, often jumping in and helping each other out to achieve our goals.

It's what unites us. Connects us. Makes us a TEAM. That's why we have a saying at Ferratum


“One team, one dream!”

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